Serviços Florestais com Excelência

Na Tambosi Serviços Florestais, oferecemos preparação de terreno, cultivo e colheita com competência e dedicação, sempre visando a qualidade e sustentabilidade em cada projeto realizado.

Two green combine harvesters are working in a vast, open field, leaving trails of dust behind them as they harvest crops. The landscape is flat and expansive, characterized by golden-brown tones of harvested farmland extending to the horizon under a clear blue sky.
Two green combine harvesters are working in a vast, open field, leaving trails of dust behind them as they harvest crops. The landscape is flat and expansive, characterized by golden-brown tones of harvested farmland extending to the horizon under a clear blue sky.
Quem Somos
Nossa Missão

Estamos comprometidos em fornecer soluções eficientes e sustentáveis para a agricultura, garantindo que nossos clientes tenham o melhor suporte na preparação e manejo de terrenos para cultivo e colheita.


Estamos localizados em uma área estratégica para oferecer serviços de preparação de terreno, cultivo e colheita com eficiência e qualidade.


Rua Exemplo, 123


Seg a Sex

Galeria de Projetos

Veja nossos serviços de preparação, cultivo e colheita de terrenos.

A lush, green landscape featuring a field in the foreground being tilled, while a red tractor continues plowing. The scene is surrounded by dense woods with various shades of green foliage. The ground is mostly made up of turned soil and patches of grass, creating a contrast between the earthy tones and the vibrant greens.
A lush, green landscape featuring a field in the foreground being tilled, while a red tractor continues plowing. The scene is surrounded by dense woods with various shades of green foliage. The ground is mostly made up of turned soil and patches of grass, creating a contrast between the earthy tones and the vibrant greens.
A large agricultural machine is actively harvesting a field, transferring cut crops into an adjacent container truck. The foreground features some foliage, partially framing the scene. The landscape is flat, with a gray overcast sky in the background.
A large agricultural machine is actively harvesting a field, transferring cut crops into an adjacent container truck. The foreground features some foliage, partially framing the scene. The landscape is flat, with a gray overcast sky in the background.
A green agricultural combine harvester is cutting a swath through a large, golden wheat field, leaving behind harvested rows. The aerial perspective emphasizes the vastness of the farmland and the machine's precision as it moves through the crops.
A green agricultural combine harvester is cutting a swath through a large, golden wheat field, leaving behind harvested rows. The aerial perspective emphasizes the vastness of the farmland and the machine's precision as it moves through the crops.
Three combine harvesters are working in a vast open field, harvesting grain. The machines are aligned in parallel, moving in a straight line, leaving trails of harvested crop and dust behind them. The field stretches far, exhibiting various shades of golden brown and green vegetation, indicating the crop's maturity.
Three combine harvesters are working in a vast open field, harvesting grain. The machines are aligned in parallel, moving in a straight line, leaving trails of harvested crop and dust behind them. The field stretches far, exhibiting various shades of golden brown and green vegetation, indicating the crop's maturity.
A combine harvester moves through a sunlit field, cutting and gathering tall dry grass. Dust and chaff rise into the air around the machine, suggesting an active harvest. Trees line the horizon, and bales of hay are scattered in the background.
A combine harvester moves through a sunlit field, cutting and gathering tall dry grass. Dust and chaff rise into the air around the machine, suggesting an active harvest. Trees line the horizon, and bales of hay are scattered in the background.
A large tractor with a red plow attachment is actively tilling a field. The equipment is covered in freshly turned earth, indicating recent use. The background features a row of trees and hedges along a residential street, with a parked car visible. The scene depicts a rural area transitioning into an urban setting.
A large tractor with a red plow attachment is actively tilling a field. The equipment is covered in freshly turned earth, indicating recent use. The background features a row of trees and hedges along a residential street, with a parked car visible. The scene depicts a rural area transitioning into an urban setting.